Case Studies - Alcorn County Power Association
Alcorn County Power Association, Corinth, MS – $2.2MM
Alcorn County sustained catastrophic damage from sustained straight-line winds due to a collision of tropical Storm OLGA and a cold front, causing the massive storm to stall over the county. ACE power sustained severe damage to over 85% of their infrastructure grid containing over 30,000 power poles. Thousands of Power poles were damaged, and hundreds had to be replaced. 8 substations were damaged and over 33 breakers had severe damage. ACE’s Fiber Optic network was damaged as well. ACE coordinated an Emergency Response Call center to handle the crisis and restore power, employing FL/FE, MAA contractors and Line Clearing Contractors.
DP&O was brought in to manage recovery efforts. DP&O deployed field crew for damage assessments, Post-disaster inventory of Damaged and Repaired poles, Using BOLT Utility App in gathering:
GPS locations of all poles in the ACE Grid, (30,000 poles)
photographic catalog of all poles in grid
photographs of damages requiring further work to complete.
comprehensive mapping
grid overlays of ALL FL/FE and MAA crew assignments
daily locations
work completed
Program Manager, Project Managers and Recovery Specialists led the recovery effort providing exhaustive reconciliation, audits and submission files for:
force labor
force equipment
16 MAA contractors
line clearing contractor
materials in Stock
materials purchased for grid repair
asset inspection/assessment of all Facilities in field